Personal Computer News

Space Fighter

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Mike Gerrard
Publisher: Microdeal
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Personal Computer News #068

Difficult Docking

Difficult Docking

With several versions of Star Trek type of game already available for the Dragon, it's hard to see how anyone could generate interest in a new one, but this is certainly an appealing version of the old favourite.


You needn't worry if you've already rid the universe of the Klingon enemy, as this time it has been overrun with Krugons and you, as commander of the Starship Endeavour, have to wipe them out.

Space Fighter

In Play

Although this type of game is a little complicated to get to grips with, the effort pays off and in this case the procedure has been simplified in one respect. Instead of having to input grid co-ordinates to move about the universe, your ship is controlled by the joystick and simply goes in whichever direction you want.

On the right of the screen is a grid map of the universe, though the only thing it shows is your own position, not where the Krugons are nor where your own essential star bases are. On the left of the screen is a local scanner showing your immediate vicinity, and here you can see the stars, Krugons and star bases.

Space Fighter

How many of each there are in the universe seems to be decided at random though within set limits, there being anything from about two to six star bases and from two to three hundred Krugons.

One thing that remains constant is your initial supply of missiles, which is 20, so with all those Krugons to kill it's important to discover quickly just where and how you can dock in order to replenish your supply.

The docking procedure requires a great deal of dexterity with the joystick as you move a large cross towards the Star Port, adjusting both in vertical and horizontal speeds as you go.

Space Fighter

The graphics, sound and responses on Space Fighter are all you could wish for, although it could have been improved considerably and made much tougher if the Krugons were able to fire at you, which does happen in some versions of the game.

As it is, they're rather sitting ducks, or sitting Krugons, for your photons, which you can guide about the screen with your joystick.

The hard part, though, is the constant accurate docking that is required.


Till now I've preferred the Salamander version, Dragon Trek, as being the best available for the Dragon, but Space Fighter gives it a good run for its money.

Mike Gerrard

Other Reviews Of Space Fighter For The Dragon 32

Software Review
A review by John Scriven (Dragon User)

Space Fighter (Microdeal)
A review by SNC (Personal Computer Games)

Space Fighter (Microdeal)
A review

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