Personal Computer News

Kissin' Kousins

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Simon Williams
Publisher: English
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in Personal Computer News #110


English Software has built up an enviable reputation for producing a series of games with high-quality graphics and good presentation.

Kissin' Kousins certainly starts off well. It comes with a colourful cover and decent loading instructions. Once loaded (a surprisingly long process for a BBC game!) there's a pretty, animated header and a nicely disintegrating title screen when you tape the Space bar to start the game.

KK is a variation of the Hunchback or Mr. Punchy storyline. To reach your 'gal' on the other side you have to run and jump over obstacles, avoiding the bombs from passing bi-planes, kangaroos, etc.

Kissin' Kousins

The first set of objects, hydrants and dustbins, is largely static. After this, though, you encounter the giant caterpillars, which hoop their way back and forth across the screen. Then it's more hydrants, a trampoline and an overgrown wallaby. Screen four introduces the gogglers, and there are bats, rubber frogs and toadstools later on.

You may have gathered that I'm not over-impressed with it. The game is uninspired and the screen's use limited. Apart from the bi-plane, and the things which jump high, all the action takes place in a small strip, two-thirds of the way down the screen.

The neatly-drawn background, which scrolls smoothly between screens, is just that. It plays no active part in the game.

Completing a screen is just a question of timing, as many of the creatures repeat their movements each time you come to them. While the idea of the Country and Western setting is a good one, the old game hasn't been sufficiently revamped.

The cassette does have the advantage of offering the Electron version on the other side. But cheap as it is, it's not worth it.

Simon Williams

Other Reviews Of Kissin' Kousins For The BBC/Electron

Kissin' Kousins (English)
A review by Rog Frost (Electron User)

Kissin' Kousins (English)
A review by Dave E (EUG PD)

Kissin' Kousins (English)
A review

Kissin' Kousins (English)
A review by Dave E (Everygamegoing)

Kissin' Kousins (English)
A review

Kissin' Kousins (English)
A review

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