Personal Computer News

747 Flight Simulator

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Kevin Williams
Publisher: Doctorsoft
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Personal Computer News #030

A Sky Old Time

The BBC has been crying out for a good flight simulator for a long time. Doctorsoft's 747 Flight Simulator is one of the best. And unlike Molimerx's Jumbo, which is text only, 747 Flight Simulator gives you a screen representing the layout of the cockpit that recreates the real thing.


The aim is to take off in a 747 and land it at either Heathrow or Gatwick. To aid your navigation you have on-board radar that can lock onto beacons along the route.

If flying from one airport to another is too much of a challenge, you can make a couple of quick circuits of the airport and land where you started from. There appears to be no limitation to the duration of your flights, as there is no fuel limit.

747 Flight Simulator

You will soon learn the importance of mastering the controls and getting the takeoff and landing speeds right to ensure a successful flight.

In Play

You start off with the plane on auto-pilot. A touch on the + key turns the power and you roll down the runway gathering speed. As you do so the airport buildings flash by the windows. At around 120 knots and power at 1.50 you rotate and lift off.

To set a course for Heathrow you lock your navigation aids onto Ockham beacon. Flying over it tou start your landing approach. Throttling back on the power and putting the flaps out slows down the plane (not forgetting to lower the landing gear).

747 Flight Simulator

Drop the power level to around 1.03, and with flaps full out the plane drops. You should aim to slow the plane to around 140 knots to land it successfully.

I say 'should' because my first landings were far from successful. The radar showed I was on course and the runway loomed up. Suddenly, the plane drifts to the right, I overshoot the runway and crash to the sound of a large explosion.


As a computer model of the real thing, 747 Flight Simulator is the best flight simulator around that runs on the Beeb. Add in good graphics and reasonable sound effects and the game is a must for all budding pilots. You will soon be 'up, up and away', handling the world's largest aeroplane in a way that will give even professional pilots air sickness.

Kevin Williams

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