Personal Computer News

Lunar Leepers

Author: Nigel Cross
Publisher: Sierra Vision
Machine: Apple II

Published in Personal Computer News #006

Game For A Laugh

Game For A Laugh

What a relief to play a game, get absolutely thrashed, collapse in heaps of laughter and then have another attempt... then another... then another...

If you happen to be like me, you'll laugh at the wrong times and forget what you're doing. It gives Lunar Leeper an extra advantage as you laugh away another life.


There you are in your little spaceship high above the moon, running out of fuel. Your shipmates have somehow contrived to be stranded on the surface.

Lunar Leepers

All you have to do is pick them up - by the head! Easy, you think. Well, it would be if only the Lunar Leepers with their voracious appetites would stop eating the castaways and spaceship.

Once you have completed this task, stage two commences. Your mission: to boldly go where no spaceship should ever be and ('Perisher' fanatics will love this!) shoot the eyeball in the sky.

As luck would have it, the eyeball is at the end of a cave defended by Trabants, but they should really have been crabs!

First Impressions

Lunar Leepers

I am wary of glossy boxes bearing strange illustrations, in this case a red cycloptic blob contriving to avoid/eat a spaceship. The game is on one disk with accompanying foldover instruction card.

The instructions are brief but accurate and the game allows a keyboard, joystick or Atari joyport options for controls. If the keyboard is selected the player is asked to define which keys are to be used during play. Once into the game the graphics and sound are excellent.

In Play

Starting at level one (easiest) of eight, the play is relatively easy, as long as you suppress the odd chortle. In fact, it's worth making a few mistakes just to see the results. As you move up through the levels, more Leepers and spaceship-like Trabants hinder your mission.

Eventually, Trabants start appearing in stage one with the added problem that they are unkillable. Unfair this might be, but it definitely increases the excitement.


I so thoroughly enjoyed this game I assumed I was being biased. However, I coerced a couple of non-game players to have a go. Result - addiction. Need I say more?

Nigel Cross

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