
Fruit Ninja VR

Author: Dave E
Publisher: Perp
Machine: PlayStation 4 (EU Version)

Fruit Ninja VR

There are games like Resident Evil: Biohazard and Don't Knock Twice that might well induce you to have a heart-attack inside your PSVR helmet. And then there are games like Fruit Ninja VR which invite you to never leave the world of VR because they're so simplistic and just, well, fun.

The objective of Fruit Ninja VR is to slice and dice whatever fruits enter your field of vision, and you play the game with the PS move controller which you brandish like a samurai sword. It is one of the most simple VR games I've ever played and, even though there are four different 'modes' of play (Arcade, Classic, Zen and Challenge) there's little deviation from hacking and slashing whatever's thrown your way.

The graphics are excellent, with the action taking place in the yard of a typical Japanese-style temple. It is not necessary to move your feet, looking left and right will allow you to see whatever machine is aiming the fruit at you. And I found that keeping my eye on the very tip of my extended sword helped a lot in chopping up the never-ending volley of melons, apples and strawberries thrown into my line of sight.

Fruit Ninja VR

Typically you get only 60 seconds to test your mettle, Fruit Ninja VR being one of those games where you try to get the highest score possible in that time. However, certain fruits give a time extension, and the odd blue-tinted banana slows down the game considerably, allowing you to hit more fruit with a lot more accuracy. The motivation to keep playing to better your highest score is quite considerable.

The four modes are much of a muchness, and Zen mode didn't put me in a Zen-like state. Challenge mode is interesting though, as this particular mode seemingly goes on forever, throwing more and more fruit at you in short bursts but failing you immediately once you've missed one fruit from three separate volleys.

Sound is suitably cheesy Oriental and gameplay is positively marvellous. If you've ever dreamed of unleashing a Kill Bill-style massacre on a few defenceless pineapples then your game is well and truly here. The only real negative point is it is such a simple idea that you've seen all it has to offer after only a few games. Even a Meat Ninja VR mode with a few sausages and pork chops would've made for more variety. Or how about a Decapitate The Gingerbread Men variant? Come on, Perp, show a little bit of imagination.

In summary then, a great slash-'em-up but probably best enjoyed in small doses.

Dave E

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