Games Computing


Publisher: Parker Brothers
Machine: Philips Videopac

Published in Games Computing #6

Frogger (Parker Brothers)

The object of this game is to hop as many frogs as you can to their homes across the river, scoring as many points on the way as possible. There is a dangerous road to cross and a speeding river to leap.

The first thing that you see on the screen when you switch Frogger on is a small frog jumping from one side of the screen to the other - this is the frog you have to guide through the perilous journey.

Frogger's journey takes place on two different screens. The firstis the road. He starts the game on the pavement facing five levels of cars and trucks. The traffic travels in alternating directions and at different speeds. Frogger is killed if he touches any part of a vehicle.

When he reaches the next pavement the screen will switch to the river phase. Because Frogger can't swim the current is too strong you have to hop him from one row of logs, turtles, or alligators onto the next one in order to reach home.

Frogger can hop from side to side on a log and he can jump forward or backward onto other floating objects. The red objects floating on the river are turtles; he can hop on their backs as well as between a set of them. Once the turtles turn blue they can dive, taking the reluctant Frogger with them to his demise. When you see a blue turtle appear on the screen, it means that they are coming up for air and will soon turn red.

On his way across the river, Frogger may see a lady frog on a log; if Frogger rescues her by jumping on her, you will hear a sound and see only one frog. If you manage to take her home, bonus points are awarded.

Alligators also float in the river. They love to eat tender frog morsels, so don't jump onto their jaws.

Snakes may appear on the riverbank as the game gets more difficult. Frogger must keep away from these. Frogger must also not float off the screen or he will die.

The next mission Frogger has to undertake is to jump into home bay. If he hits any part of the shrubbery on the sides of the home bay he will die. Frogger can't jump into an already-occupied home bay, and if an alligator's head is showing in a home bay he again cannot jump into it. However if Frogger jumps into a bay that has a fly in it, Frogger gets a free meal and you score extra points.

You start the game with five frogs. The number of frogs remaining is indicated by blue rectangles on the left side of the screen. The game ends when no frogs are left.

There is a 45-second time limit to get from the pavement to his home. There is a timer in the lower part of the screen. A warning sound can be heard when ten seconds remain. If you run out of time another sound occurs and a skull appears where Frogger was. If Frogger reaches home with time remaining you score ten extra points for every second left.

Frogger can jump most ways including over vehicles and snakes although these jumps are dangerous.

There are eight levels of difficulty, each time five frogs reach home you will move to a higher level. Your score is shown on the right of the screen at all times.

Included with Frogger is a good detailed instruction booklet showing clear diagrams of all the hazards Frogger may come up against.

There are noises and sound effects all the way through this game, including bounding noises when Frogger jumps. The graphics are not nearly as good as in other versions, but that is to be expected.