Games Computing


Publisher: Micro Power
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Games Computing #10

Frenzy (Micro Power)

In this great game, you have to trap the darting 'leptons' using your robot craft. You do this by leaving a trail behind your craft and, when you reach the edge of a filled-in area, the smaller of the areas is filled in.

The lepton is destroyed either by getting caught in the area that is filled in, or when 95% of the screen is filled in. The amount of area that is filled in is shown by a line at the bottom of the screen that disappears as you fill in the areas.

You have the option of two speeds for your robot craft. The slow speed fills in an area red, and the fast speed fills in areas pink. You start on the slow speed and go to the fast speed by pressing the space bar. You lose a life if a lepton hits you or the line behind your craft before the area is filled in.

A good strategy is to build narrow blocks in the centre of the screen using the fast speed until there is only a small gap near the top of the screen. Then to join these blocks to the top of the screen using the slow speed when the lepton is in the smaller half. This tactic only works if there are few leptons otherwise try to split it into three before trying the same tactics.

This is a very enjoyable game that is very addictive and easy to play.