Steer Neanderthal hero Trogg through the various screens, picking up the objects as you go in this platform type game from Statesoft.
You have to jump from level to level to gather the precariously placed objects. If monsters get in your way you can zap them with your Yo-Yo; this doesn't kill them but simply shoves them out of the way.
Watch out for the flying arrows and heat-seeking balloons which prove deadly on contact. When Trogg dies, a speech balloon comes out of his mouth and says 'FRAK'. I guess that's what trogodytes say when they die.
The graphics are bold and the game as a whole is a more than competent effort at a platform game, but for some reason it just didn't inspire me. Probably more fun on the higher levels (there are some 256 of them) if you can maintain interest long enough to get there.