Commodore User


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Funsoft
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #14


The game starts with a very impressive title screen with the word 'Flak' in large letters. It's a shoot-'em-up where you pilot an aircraft over enemy territory to knock out their headquarters. The enemy has other ideas and, not surprisingly, resents your attempts to destroy their base. Enemy missiles are fired in all directions, especially yours, from turrets which open up, shoot and close again.

Despite frustrating hours of playing I could not get as far as the enemy base, even on the beginner level. The scrolling of the screen as you move through the defences is very smooth but the graphics had a slightly coarse look, possibly as this is a conversion from the Atari.

Sound was slightly disappointing and the explosion noises a bit feeble. There are two skill levels described as beginner and normal. Impossible and suicidal would be more fitting: this is one tough game! Only available on disk, Flak takes longer to load than almost any other disk game I have ever seen. While loading there is a depressingly slow on-screen countdown of numbers of blocks to go. £14.95 is a lot fo pay for a game unless it is really exception - Flak is merely good.