ST Format

Feudal Lords

Publisher: Impressions Ltd
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #23

Feudal Lords

Set in the very mythical and medieval land of Euthrania, Feudal Lords sees Impressions returning to what they're best at - strategy games. The plot follows the exploits of four lords as they attempt to control the whole land. The lords can either by played by your ST or a group of competing human players.

The game is entirely mouse-driven. The four lords - namely Thorsten of Veriaine, Lothar of Dermot, Roderick of Rhianon and Malcolm of Karsten - vie with each other to earn loads of money and take over Euthrania.

The main screen shows the provinces of the land, withe each lord's domain shared in a different colour. You take it in turns to move or improve armies, tax the villagers or attack a province. You can then use money earned to either invest or buy more soldiers.

To purchase new recruits you enter a simple icon screen. Every army is made up of knights, soldiers and bowmen, with knights being the most expensive. You control two types of soldier, either mobile or defensive, and you can change the numbers of each - when you attack a province for example.

Serious strategists are going to enjoy this game, although scope for gameplay does seem limited - a game doesn't take too long to complete. Graphics are pleasing and not too fussy.