Games Computing

Felix In The Factory

Publisher: Micro Power
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Games Computing #12

Felix In The Factory (Micro Power)

In this game you are presented with a randomly-generated layout of a factory on several floors with connecting ladders. Your task is to guide Felix down a ladder from where he is tending the generator, along a moving conveyor belt, where he must jump over parcels, and then up the other ladders to retrieve an oil can.

All very easy you might think, but of course there are the usual obstacles in your way. There are blue, green and pink gremlins which chase Felix and can cause the loss of a life. However, they can themselves be killed by Felix if he attacks them with a conveniently placed pitchfork. Another hazard is the 'Factory Rat' who periodically scuttles across one of the floors accompanied by a very realistic sound. He can also be killed off by Felix strategically placing a bag of poison.

Having retrieved the oil can, Felix must re-negotiate his way back to the generator to fill it. Meanwhile, the oil level in the generator has been decreasing and if it runs out before Felix returns, then the game is over.