Games Computing

Felix In The Factory

Publisher: Micro Power
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Games Computing #11

Felix In The Factory (Micro Power)

The name of the game should give an idea as to the nature of the game, as the scenario is based around the workings of a factory (surprise surprise).

The object is to manoeuvre the factory worker, Felix, using either the keyboard or joystick along the conveyor belt, jumping over obstacles and around the various levels of the factory by travelling either up or down the ladders connecting the levels, whilst avoiding the gremlins, in order to collect the oil can. The 'can' having been collected has to be returned to the insatiable oil guzzling generator. If the oil level, shown at the top of the screen gets too low, the screen will flash and soon the generator stops and the game is over.

Bumping into packages, moving along the conveyor belt, causes Felix to be temporarily stunned, but an encounter with the edge of the screen will result in the loss of a life. Another hazard that has to be avoided is a rat which runs across the various levels. A bag of rat poison can be collected and left on a particular level to kill the speeding rat.

In general, this is the type of game that could be compared to that of Monsters for the BBC computer, with the difference that the level of decreasing oil has to be replenished rather than oxygen.