Games Computing

Expansion Module 2 Turbo Drive Module

Publisher: CBS
Machine: Coleco Vision Games System

Published in Games Computing #7

Expansion Module 2 Turbo Drive Module (CBS)

The Colecovision Expansion Module 2, otherwise known as the Turbo Drive Module, is an eight inch steering wheel on a dashboard and a plug in accelerator pedal. The standard Colecovision joystick plugs into the side of the dashboard and functions as a gear lever.

The module itself plugs into one of the joystick ports. Four batteries are needed, I think this is a bit awkward, especially as power could have been taken from the main games module as in the case of the Roller Controller. It may have made the unit cheaper to manufacture, but, in the long run, it will work out expensive using batteries. There isn't even a socket for a mains adaptor.

The 'feel' of the steering wheel is excellent and having a full size control wheel in front of you certainly enhances any racing game. The game Pit Stop from Epyx can be played with either the joystick or the steering wheel, and after playing the game using both I can safely say that the Expansion Module 2 makes all the difference and adds a lot to an already exciting game.

The Expansion Module also comes with the game Turbo by Sega, this is reviewed in more detail in Video Vying. It involves driving your racing car down various roads and past different types of scenery. There will be more games suitable for this module including a Dukes Of Hazzard-game based on the series.

The price may seem a bit on the steep side but when you break it down into the component parts the price becomes quite reasonable. The start price is about 50, for this you get a cartridge, a reasonably-sized steering wheel with dashboard, and an accelerator pedal on a long cord. A cartridge would cost you 30 and a good joystick could cost you up to about 20 so 20 for the controller seems quite reasonable.

One gripe I have about the steering control is that the car will only move when you are turning the wheel, so if you stop turning the wheel the car stops turning and goes in a straight line contrary to the normal behaviour of a car.

If you like driving games and are willing to spend £50 then this is a good addition to the Colecovision.