Games Computing


Publisher: Multisoft
Machine: Camputers Lynx

Published in Games Computing #12

Everest (Multisoft)

This is a tactical game with three skill levels which requires you to lead an expedition of climbers, sherpas and porters to the top of Everest. All associated equipment also needs to be transported up the mountain. This is not as straightforward as it first seems as the conditions may be against you. Also each team member can only carry one item per day.

The program loads in two parts, the first part drawing a picture of Everest. This is the only graphics in the game and remains on the screen throughout. The second part is the game itself. Both parts are written in BASIC and for this type of game this is no handicap. The playing consists of forging new routes and transporting food and equipment between camps. At the end of each day a status report tells you how each camp is faring. You have around thirty days to reach the summit. I have not made it yet even on the easiest level. If you enjoy games of strategy then this should appeal to you.