Atari User

Escape Parts 1 & 2

Author: Bob Chappell
Publisher: AD 400
Machine: Atari 400/800

Published in Atari User #31

Escape Part 1 And 2

Escape is a two part text adventure designed to run on smaller-memory Atari Micros (those with at least 16K).

Availability is by mail order only. Escape follows the traditional path of text adventures for limited memory machines. That is, locations, vocabulary and descriptions are necessarily restricted and input is generally of the single verb and noun variety.

However, what marks Escape out for special attention is the fact that a lot of solid puzzles have been crammed into each of the two parts, making them especially good value for money.

Another point worth mentioning is that owners of smaller Ataris have been starved of good adventures, and any decent programs that try to satisfy this hunger deserve to be treated with respect.

As special agent AD400, Escape Part 1 sets you down in a foreign prison. Not only must you set about an escape attempt, but you must also make adequate preparation for Part 2.

The second part cannot be played until you have successfully completed Part 1 - you need a special password that only victory in Part 1 will produce.

You begin in the prisoner's quarters in which there is a stove and mirror. Your door is not locked, and you are free to roam the prison's inner confines.

However, escape is not going to be that easy - a guard is constantly on patrol. While nothing nasty will happen if he catches you out of your cell, he will confiscate any object you happen to be carrying and return it to its rightful place.

And he's not the only one who will retrieve any items you are not supposed to have. The governor, mail clerk and store clerk are ever-vigilant too.

Locations include a guardhouse, mess hall, kitchen, stores and offices of the mail clerk, governor and store clerk. There are other places, but most can only be accessed after you've found the entrances or unlocked locked doors.

Escape Part 1 is fairly straightforward, but by no means a walk-over. Part 2 is a shade tougher. In this you must complete your escape from the prison.

You start just outside the gatehouse. It is dark but there's a full moon and a light breeze.

In the stores nearby, you'll find a map, compass, bottle, candle, wire cutters, mailbag, matches, coal dust and chocolate - perhaps you amassed this collection during Part 1?

There are some neat puzzles in this adventure, my favourite being the one which involves making your face less likely to be seen in the dark. As the author told me, all you need is logic.

Escape Parts 1 and 2 are good value for money, containing as they do a good variety of puzzles and an enjoyable challenge. You can obtain even better value if you buy the two parts together (tape £6.75, disc £7.75).

These are two little gems you would be well advised to acquire.

Bob Chappell

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