Dragon User


Author: Clive G. Scott
Publisher: Compusense
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Dragon User #066

Come Back, Compusense!

This product comprises the screen utility Hi-res, which is also available on its own and Edit+ , a full screen editor for Basic programs.

Hi-res uses a special character set to produce a 51 x 24 text display on a mode 4 screen. The display, which is similar to that of the word processor Telewriter, can be displayed in black text on green or buff backgrounds or the inverse.

A PRINTL in place of the normal PRINT @ command, which can still be used for a 32 x 16 display, gives access to all 1,224 print positions. Various foreign character sets can be selected by extensions to the CLS command. Text can be freely mixed with graphics. Hi-res is not as versatile as Rainbow Writer and when combined with Edit+ consumes considerabfy more memory, but it is worth it for the screen editor which is a vast improvement over the Dragon line editor. Type EDIT and the screen will clear and any Basic program in memory will be displayed.

The CLEAR key is used in combination with other keys to select the various options of the program. Auto repeat is implemented for easier movement around the screen, which is by means of the cursor keys. The screen unlike a word processor will not scroll when the cursor reaches the bottom of the screen but it can go up or down ascreen at a time of it can jump to a specified line.

The default mode is overwrite but although insert can be selected it will return to overwrite when an alteration is confirmed by pressing ENTER. Inserting into a long line can be slow so it pays to extend the line first. If too much text is entered into a line it will beep and show an overflow marker. New lines can be added or old lines deleted.

Characters can be deleted individually at the cursor or from the cursor to the end of the line. Single or blocks of lines can be copied by placing markers and inserting into the required place in the program or moved by deleting the old block after the copy has been made. Markers will remain for further copies until removed.

The program can be searched for a specified string of characters which can be selectively replaced by an alternative string. This is ideal for changing variable names.

This covers the main features of the program which I find indispensable when developing programs. This is a must for the serious programmer.

Clive G. Scott