ST Format

Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists And Everythin'

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Rob Steel
Publisher: Atlantis
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #12

Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists And Everythin'

A long, long time ago, when 16-bit quests were but a glint in the eye of the adventurer, a game came out from Atlantis which tickled the ribs of knights-errant everywhere. It was commercially successful - for a budget game - and well-received by critics. Using STAC, Atlantis have now converted Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists And Everythin' to enable ST users to sample some ancient humour.

The dark lord of Tite-Arz has taken control of the kingdom and evil permeates the land. Inflation has risen to Central American proportions and five million people are out of work.

The amethyst, a magic stone recently stolen from the alchemist's tower, is the only thing that can put things right. And because you can't ignore a good quest, you set off to find the amethyst and return it.

Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists'n Everythin'

Unfortunately, before you get very far you're captured by a nasty goblin and thrown into a cell smelling of unwashed armpits and dried urine. It's not difficult, though, to gain access to the adjacent passage and guard room where an odd item of clothing aids your escape. Be sure to stock up on obligatory adventuring items such as the sword and magic ring before you leave. And don't ask what the island creature is doing with his head between his legs!

Once out of the dungeon you're free to explore the town's places of interest: the busy tavern, kinky convent, and local office of the Monastery of Admonasterative affairs. Or venture down to the coast and fulfill an adventurer's dream by slaying a dragon.

The graphics aren't as good as they could be because they use STAC's graphic generator rather than Degas Elite, and the game doesn't make full use of the ST's memory. But these minor points shouldn't put you off because the game is great fun to play.

Rob Steel

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