ST Format

Dungeon Master Double Pack

Author: Rob Mead
Publisher: Psygnosis
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #42

Dungeon Master Double Pack

When it was originally released on the now defunct Mirrorsoft label, Dungeon Master set the standard for all subsequent role-playing games (RPGs) to follow. Now Psygnosis have teamed it up with the sequel Chaos Strikes Back to give you hours and hours of mummy-bashing mania on your ST. Dungeon Master places your band of four heroes in the depths of a treacherous dungeon, filled with puzzles, traps and baddies. Your aim is to get to retrieve the Firestaff and prevent Chaos from taking over your world and plunging it into darkness forever. Sounds pretty serious stuff, eh?

This game is seriously addictive and the permutations are endless. There are loads of potential team members in the Hall of Champions, where the game begins, and each one brings something different to the adventure - choose badly and you can end up as a pile of bones on the dungeon floor. Dungeon Master still looks great and, although games like Legends Of Valour and Ishar are serious contenders for the RPG crown, this game is still one of the best.

The sequel, Chaos Strikes Back, is yet another magic world for your heroes to explore and enables you to create your own adventures and do a spot of portrait painting to boot. Although it uses the same point-and-click interface as Dungeon Master, Chaos is much more complex and you need to have done extremely well in the first game to even think about trying to attempt this one.


An excellent value-for-money package that should keep even the most battle-hardened RPGer ecstatically happy for months. With wonderful gameplay and extremely addictive adventures this lot can make your stress levels go up and down like a kangaroo on a pogo-stick. Brilliant.

Rob Mead

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