ST Format


Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #22


All is not well on the moon Mitral. It seems that a vast amount of gas has built up under the surface of the planet and there's no gas company around to make the most of the bonanza. What's more, a whopping great meteor is on a collision course with the moon. If the meteor hits, then there's going to be one of the biggest bangs since Krakatoa decided to end it all.

In Driller you must get all the gas out from under the moon's surface by placing drilling rigs over each of the eighteen sectors of Mitral. Your craft is an excavation probe and it can perform some nifty acrobatic manoeuvres. This is just as well because there are soe serious obstacles in your path. The moon's own laser defences are the main problem. Your probe comes fitted with a laser, so it shouldn't be a problem to keep yourself and your craft in one piece. If you do get hit then your shield should take the brunt of the blast, although its strength is limited.

Driller is a Freescape game - a solid 3D game world, where you have to work your way round, over, through, into and behind the buildings within. The screen update of these graphics is extremely quick and there's a wonderfully fluid feeling of real momentum.

Gameplay is fast and furious and there's always a fresh surprise waiting for you around the corner. Sound is excellent too, with some very clear samples that leave you in no doubt when you've hit something or it you're under attack. At eight quid this game represents ravishing value for money. Check it out.