Fast Access

Dragon Slayer


Dragon Slayer

DRAGN-K - KeyStrip Data file

Master Users

Before running Dragon Slayer, reset your machine and type CHAIN "Convert" at the BASIC prompt. This will load a character set convertor which will improve the graphic display during the game. Now boot up the disk menu in the usual way and enjoy the game.


Dragon Slayer is a game of exploration and adventure. You start by choosing the physical attributes of your game character and equipping him/her with weapons and armour. You then go out into the world shown on the main map, and search for ancient ruins and caverns which you can explore to find treasure and magic artefacts. On your travels you will encounter various creatures which you will have to avoid or defeat in combat. The ultimate aim of your quest is to find and defeat the evil dragon which is said to dwell somewhere in the north-east mountain area.


Physical attributes each have a minimum value of 8.

Strength determines which weapons you can use. High values of strength result in extra damage when you hit an opponent in combat.

Dexterity determines your chance of hitting an opponent; dexterity is reduced by wearing armour. High values of dexterity allow extra arrows to be fired during the missile phase of combat.

Constitution is the major factor in determining your hit points. Higher values of consitution allow more rapid recovery of lost hit points.

Hit Points are calculated from your strength and constitution attributes. They determine the amount of damage which you can take in combat; when hit points are reduced to zero, the character dies.

Level is a measure of the character's experience; a character's fighting ability increases with experience level. Experience is gained through adventuring, and in particular by defeating monsters in combat.


You may carry up to three weapons, one shield, one suit of armour, and any number of magic items. Most weapons are either melee or missile weapons only. However, the dagger, club, and spear can be used in either manner. The shield will not be counted in defence when you are using a two-handed weapon, such as the great sword or the spear. Wearing armour reduces your effective dexterity and your movement points.

Magic Items

Healing potions restore all lost hit points. The magic long sword is more effective in combat than any of the ordinary weapons. The magic ring allows more rapid recovery of lost hit points.

The magic amulet will reduce your opponents chance of hitting you in combat. The magic cloak of protection provides very effective armour, but will only work if you are not wearing ordinary armour.

Game Controls

The cursor keys are used to control movement. On the main map, each move requires the expenditure of movement points; costs are 1 point for clear terrain, 2 points for forest, and 3 points for mountain and swamp. If you find that you cannot move in forest, mountain, or swamp, then it will be because you have insufficient movement points remaining for that day. In this situation press f0.

The other game controls are listed at the beginning of the program. A function key strip for these controls can be printed using the KeyStrip program from Fast Access, Volume 1, Issue 1. A KeyStrip file, D.DRAGN-K, is provided for this purpose.

Hints And Tips

There is no set formula for successfully completing Dragon Slayer. You should experiment with different combinations of the physical attributes, and with different weapons and armour. You will find that the numbers and types of monsters encountered will vary with the area and terrain type. The safest areas are in the vicinity of the villages, and it is advisable to confine your initial adventuring to these. In exploring caves and buildings it will often be necessary to make more than one expedition into the area; before leaving the terrain feature, it is useful to make a note (map) of that part which you have already explored.