
Discovering BBC Micro Machine Code

Categories: Review: Book
Author: Mike Williams
Publisher: Granada
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Beebug Volume 2 Number 6

Discovering BBC Micro Machine Code (Granada)

This book is a straightforward introduction to programming in machine code using the 6502 assembler on the BBC micro. Indeed, the approach is rather serious and stolid, with much information presented in the early chapters, and yet little in the way of examples to show how that knowledge might be used. There is a useful description of how to use machine code from within Basic, followed by sections on number representation, registers and addressing modes. The program listings are again from a dot matrix printer but are quite clear, as is the presentation of the whole book.

The book, sensibly, does not attempt to cover the more advanced features of machine code such as interfacing or interrupt handling. Instead, it concludes with a useful chapter on programming techniques and guidelines. This is a good book for the serious-minded student of machine code and reasonable value for money. For the complete beginner, the book by Birnbaum (reviewed in Beebug Vol. l No. 9) must still be the favourite, while the more experienced will need to look beyond these last two for coverage of more advanced topics and better, more informative examples.

Mike Williams