Fusion Retro Books


Publisher: Tero Heikkinen
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Zzap 64 Annual 2020


Dr. TerrorZ specialises in games-making rather than story telling and typically Digiloi is a game that eschews apitch - if you don't get what you should be doing... forget it!

Even on his website, the creator is happier explaining how the game was done rather than what the player has to do in it.

And it really doesn't need a literary excuse for frantic shoot-'em-up platform action, boasting massive characters due to the use of PETSCII coding. So, sit back and enjoy the graphics.



I like Digiloi for its larger-than-life PETSCII graphics which are bold and colourful, but that's the game's only selling point. As with Fort Django, there isn't any complicated gameplay: just run-and-gun with the occasional jump to collect objects, though it does move along nicely from screen to screen.

On that note, the large graphics leave you short on space to dodge equally large robots and zombie-like humans. There's little beyond what you see in the first minnute, so it's a good job it relies on a pretty tough challenge by virtue of the limited space and precious little health/shields. All credit to Dr. TerrorZ for the fresh graphic style, extensive colours and the pace, but at its heart there's just not enough to it.


Frankly, I'm astonished by this. Not particularly by the game, but by the achievement. I mean, I've played PETSCII-based games in the past, but none as ambitious and well done as this. Dr. TerrorZ has clearly built upon his experience with Fort Django and produced something I would never have thought possible.


It's still not a brilliant game; it's too short and limited to be able to be rated as any kind of a classic, and there are issues caused by the flick-screen nature of the game, although you do learn what's coming and adjust accordingly. The achievement, though... wow, it's remarkable, really. Definitely worth a few plays to marvel at what's been done, but don't expect deep or complex gameplay.


Presentation 73%
A couple of standard options, and a nice, clean screen layout.

Graphics 83%
Considering they are crafted entirely from PETSCII characters, the graphics are striking and beautiful.

Sound 70%
Good, but not especially lengthy music coupled with suitable sound effects.

Hookability 74%
It's a simple run-and-gun game, but very easy to get the hang of.

Lastability 42%
It's a short game, with little in the way of replay value, but entertaining while it lasts.

Overall 44%
More than just a programming exercise, Digiloi is entertaining but a very limited game.