Dragon User

Dickie's Den

Author: Jason Orbaum
Publisher: Quickbeam
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Dragon User #028

Dickie's Dented

Yes, it's good old Quickbeam back again for another friendly helping of fun in Dickie's Den. This time, the game involves walking a man around a mansion, collecting bits of masonry, and avoiding such items as boots, watering cans and other such hilarious items!

This game is very similar indeed to another game reviewed last issue (Subtle Clue: Jet Set Willy). So how does it compare?

The answer is... very badly. This game lacks all of the flair of its elder (and better). The game is once again jerky, too fast (although a variable speed option is available) and plainly amateur.

The graphics are not animated, they just jerk from one group of eight pixels to the next, and then back again. The man moves awkwardly, jumps unreliably (although that could be due to faulty joysticks) and generally is difficult to control.

Dickie's Den

The 'tune' in the background is a composer's nightmare, consisting of several discordant notes played in slow succession for ever - very dull!

When (or if), you finish Jet Set Willy, then this game could be worth a go as although I have been rather cruel, it could be a lot worse.

One question arises: what is it about the programmers of these games that leads them to name their characters in this way? We now have a Miner called Willy, and a construction worker called Dickie. My heart pounds at the thought of the name of the next clone...

It is sad for Quickbeam that Software Projects has just released Jet Set Willy, as otherwise they would have had a winner - but as it is, they just have second place, and by more than a length.

Jason Orbaum

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