Dragon User

Destiny Trio

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Roland Hewson
Publisher: Pulser
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Dragon User #064

One To Three And Climbing

Well, you adventure players, here is a three-in-one disc for you to savour. The first item is Starship Destiny, a maze-type adventure. The location of the 'maze' is an alien spaceship which has entered the galaxy and seems to be here to destroy the earth. The object of the game is to disarm the alien missiles and to get out alive. The game opens with the player being teleported into a cargo bay in the alien ship. As the adventure is played in real time, after you have disarmed the missile you must teleport home, and if you linger too long in any one location a patrol will arrest you and dump you in confinement. You can of course escape if you have the keys, otherwise you are stuck. If this happens and you cannot think of a solution you may as well abort the game and start again [Have you tried standing on a dwarf? - Ed].

Having described the game I found it a little frustrating because, despite being told that the game is in real time, the screen images took too long for my personal taste to disappear and re-appear, and anxious to get on or see through my anticipated solution the wait seemed intolerable, although in actual fact it is only seconds.

The overall impression of this adventure is one of a 'good game but lacking polish'. It would be improved if it was auto-run and quicker, as the pressing of the ENTER button continually increases the sense of waiting for the game. The screen display would have been enhanced if changes in colour had been introduced. The black, yellow and white areas give every appearance of being dreary, although the game is not.

The second game, Dungeon Destiny, devised by Tim Riley and written by Jonathan Cartwright, is a distinct improvement on Starship Destiny. It is still an adventure maze, but the graphics are far superior and the adventure itself also compares very favourably, although the instructions had to be input in the lower case, which for me detracted from the display. Any attempt to press the SHIFT key resulted in a negative response from the computer. "YOU CAN'T...THAT HERE" seemed a frequent response, and the continuing display of "WHAT NOW, OH BRILLIANT ONE?" grated after several repetitions, like most forms of 'wit' which are only funny if they come as a surprise.

Notwithstanding these minor criticisms, I nevertheless thoroughly enjoyed this adventure, and if I had only £3.99 to spend I would choose this one rather than Starship.

The third game is Wild West Destiny which for me was the best. However, when I first tried the disc I thought that it had corrupted, because I made the mistake of loading without sound. The screen display told me not to remove the disc, and nothing seemed to happen. I tried again with sound, and the computer played a tune for almost 90 seconds before it actually loaded - however, one criticism of the earlier games was overcome: it did auto-run! Once commencing the game I found that I had been killed in about six moves flat without warning, but at least it gave me another game immediately. Into the second game after trying the usual commands like ENTER, DRINK, etc. for reasons of speed I tried HELP, which told me, among other things, to be prepared for anything and one certainly must. The second game lasted longer - just! If you enjoy your frustrations, this game is definitely for you.

Overall I enjoyed this disc and in terms of hours at the keyboard it is very good value. Each of the three games is better than the one before, and the development of the programs can clearly be seen. For those who specialise in adventures, this may be a bit 'old hat' but for all-rounders it is certainly worth a try.

Roland Hewson

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