Amiga Power


Author: Sean Masterson
Publisher: Infocom/Mastertronic
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in Amiga Power #6


Deadline is probably best put into perspective by describing it as the kind of game that makes Sorcerer look as though it had been written for five year olds with learning difficulties. With the clogs of a wealthy industrialist popping before you can say 'cobblers' (hurrah, someone else for a change), the deceased's attorney calls you, Chief of Detectives, to investigate. Marshall Robner died on his estate from an overdose of the drug Ebullion at 1am, plus or minus one hour.

Everybody's statements add up to a case of suicide but you smell foul play and want to prove otherwise. You have twelve hours to find motive, means and opportunity.

Written in 1982 by one of Infocom's first generation adventure game designers, Marc Blank, Deadline still stands up as one of the best adventure games ever written. It's not just a mystery. It's an unfolding story that delivers danger and deceit in abundance, thanks to the remarkably programmed independent actions of the suspects. You'll know when you've solved it but the trouble is, you'll think you've solved it when you haven't. Games this good appear about once per decade.

Sean Masterson

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