Games Computing

Daley Thompson's Decathlon

Publisher: Ocean
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Games Computing #12

Daley Thompson's Decathlon (Ocean)

It's a good job Daley Thompson won the Olympic Gold because he has only won silver compared with the Activision version in the software race.

The game follows the same format as the Activision one but falls short with the graphics. The figures are not as realistic, more comic like, and the screen is full of information and advertisements. Did Boots really pay for this privilege?

The main difference is that you get four lives and unless you qualify at an event, you will lose a life, and do not go through all ten events.

Ocean use the 'Turbo Loader' loading system which is a plus in favour. While the game is loading a graphical representation of Daley Thompson appears on screen with background music for you to enjoy.

If I had not seen the Activision Decathlon I would have been quite happy with this effort, but I have!