Games Computing

Cuthbert In The Jungle

Publisher: Microdeal
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Games Computing #10

Cuthbert In The Jungle (Microdeal)

The star of the game features Cuthbert, whose adventurous nature has led him to a jungle filled with perilous perils.

The player controls Cuthbert via the keyboard or a joystick, and has the task of guiding him through the jungle, whilst avoiding the many hazards in order to collect the treasures strewn along the path.

There are 120 screens of which, no two screens are claimed to be the same. The hazards in this game include crocodiles, scorpions, fires, snakes and tar pits. Collision with any of these dangers would lead to the loss of a life. Then there are the rolling logs and holes in the ground. These are not as fatalistic as the previous set of hazards but either collision with the logs or falling down a hole leads to a loss of points rather than the loss of a life. So, instead of falling through the hole to reach the subterranean level, the ladder could be used, as in certain parts of the underground passage could be used to bypass the overhead dangers.

The game begins by giving the player twelve minutes and three lives to collect as many of the treasures inside the time limit, through the pause facility allows the player to take a breather from time to time.

Overall, I found this game to have a great addictive appeal, in that there are a number of obstacles that need to be overcome in a specific manner, before the treasures can be obtained.