Games Computing


Publisher: Micro Power
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in Games Computing #8

Croaker (Micro Power)

This implementation of the ubiquitous Frogger game has all the regular features but lacks something in presentation and playability. Four keys control the leaping motion of the family Frog as they attempt to cross the busy road and the polluted river (by jumping on and off logs and turtles - a slippery business) and fill the allocated lairs at the top of the screen. Bonus points are scored by getting home as quickly as possible.

The traffic gets faster as you progress to new screens and it needs to, jerking along asit does on the first screen. It seems almost too easy to get through. Unfortunately, the Electron's sound capability does not include the ability to reproduce anything like a 'croak' but I suppose the programmer had to try. The music (which is optional) is only a gimmick and soon grows tiresome.

There is a fair amount of updating to be done on-screen so the graphics are not altogether smooth and the frogs are rather lost in the mass of moving objects. The response to the four keys is not instant and this makes play rather awkward. The arcade features are all present and correct but the game lacks impact when compared with rivals on other machines and the cassette soon finds itself a permanent place at the bottom of the pile.