Games Computing

Creepy Crawler

Publisher: Mikro-Gen
Machine: Spectrum 16K/48K

Published in Games Computing #7

Creepy Crawler (Mikro-Gen)

This game is for those amongst us who have fast reflexes - for a short time the caterpillar gets longer and speeds up so fast that it can hardly be seen! The idea is to shoot the caterpillar and each 'hit' removes one segment - but be warned, by shooting out the middle of each caterpillar two will be left! Beware of the spider - he kills, although a good bonus is given when you shoot him, the fly also causes problems. Points can also be obtained by blasting mushrooms (which need to be shot twice) - but lots are needed because they don't offer many points! There is a high score system - not very dramatic, and a new man at 5,000 points - so what's new?

Really this program is quick and good fun, as long as you don't take it too seriously and just enjoy it. Otherwise, you might just get bored!