Games Computing

Corporate Climber

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Dynabyte
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in Games Computing #10

Corporate Climber (Dynabyte)

This has to be one of the simplest (in terms of strategy) games available for the BBC Micro or Electron. There are two different versions since the BBC game on an Electron is painfully slow and jumpy. However the Electron game does not achieve the speed of the BBC and results in a lesser challenge for the expert player but no less fun.

The game begins with the choice of a number of game playing options, including the ability to turn off the sound, an entirely necessary option for those who don't like the little computer ditty trilling away in the background while they are trying to concentrate on the matter in hand. Why don't they use the much nicer lower volume registers of the sound chip?

The matter in hand involves controlling the climber with left and right keys as he makes his way from level to level, unable to stop moving in either direction in his struggle to the top. The only respite is at the start of each level where he may halt before venturing out into the cut and thrust world of point scoring objects and lifts which can 'ping' the climber back to his starting point at the cost of one life.

Since the climber is always on the move and so are the lifts, anticipation and strategy come into the completion of a screen successfully and the unique accolade of 'engaging' the lavatory at the top of the climber's tree.

As you can tell, the game has a certain humorous aspect. The screen is all go with a time bonus ticking away, an indication of blood pressure which seems to accurately reflect the players current state of mind (!) and a motley assortment of objects for the climber to collect on his ascent, including a telephone, a cup of tea, a key, and an acorn. You have five lives to get as far as you can in this software rat race and will undoubtedly enjoy every one of them.

Other Reviews Of Corporate Climber For The Acorn Electron

Corporate Climber (Dynabyte)
A review by Adam Young (Electron User)

Corporate Climber (Dynabyte)
A review by Ian Brettell (Acorn User)

Corporate Climber (Dynabyte)
A review by Dave E (Everygamegoing)