Commodore User

Commodore 64 Software Projects

Categories: Review: Book
Author: George Pike
Publisher: Melbourne House
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #16

Commodore 64 Software Projects

To write programs that are actually useful and practical is the aim of this short book by Rudolf Smit. And very good it is too.

Despite the initial praise, I still feel a calendar on the loo wall and a pad on the hall table is less bother than loading a program into my C64 every time I want to check a birthday or telephone number.

The real strength of this book is not so much in its programs as in the ways they are planned and written. It is an excellent, readable introduction to structured programming with a short main line sequence and subroutines at second and third levels.

The subroutines are reached through GOSUB commands and RETURN takes the computer back to the mainline ready for the next subroutine. That is the basis for a structured program. It makes for programs that are easy to write and test, easy to follow and easy to update, alter and extend.

Don't let the apparent complexity fool you, a working knowledge of simple Basic is all that is assumed. How refreshing not to be told how to PRINT"HELLO" yet not be expected to have ready-made expertise in machine code or video chip addresses. Down to earth, clear, practical advice on planning and writing useable programs that work. A welcome addition to any "in-betweener's" bookshelf.

A straightforward and clear introduction to designing and writing programs. A case of 'Small is Beautiful'.

George Pike