Personal Computer News


Published in Personal Computer News #065

Oxon TI users group ensures that the blind or partially sighted will benefit from Texas Instruments.


Oxon TI users group ensures that the blind or partially sighted will benefit from Texas Instruments

The TI 99/4A User Group newly started up in Oxfordshire should have special appeal for the blind or partially sighted.

Using a 99/4A speech synthesiser and Terminal Emulator 11 module, blind users can communicate with databases. The system will give verbal prompts during program execution and will also speak a program listing aloud.

"The Terminal Emulator 11 module has a text-to-speech facility," said organiser Peter Brooks, who will also be taking an interest in TI's production of a speech recognition unit to be made by the Milton Bradley company.

Blind members can get the monthly newsletter on cassette as long as they supply Peter with a blank cassette each time they want one, but as yet no actual meetings have been organised.

Wendie Pearson

Wendie Pearson