Future Publishing

Chicken Little

Author: Ben Lawrence
Publisher: Buena Vista
Machine: Xbox (EU Version)

Published in Official Xbox Magazine #54

Bargain-bucket platforming covered in breadcrumbs...

Chicken Little (Buena Vista)

Oh god, you poor kids. Listen, you know when you see a cartoon or movie then buy the videogame? And you know the way sometimes the games all seem a little bit samey - you know, with all that collecting-coins and jumping-from-platforms? Well, don't worry - one day you'll grow up to see other games, with zombies and car chases and explosions! It won't always be this way! Just smile, thank your Mum and Dad or whoever bought this for you, then, when they're not looking, throw it in the bin. After all, you have a million identical jumpy, bouncy, collecty games to plough through before you even turn your attention to this, haven't you?

Actually, if you went to see Chicken Little, you'll no doubt want to play along as Chicken, Fish out of Water and Runt of the Litter, but as fun as you thought the film was, this might seem a little dull. It takes a while for the aliens to even appear, and there's a whole load of swinging about and jumping from ledges to get there in the first place. It's called padding, and when you consider the film itself is a padded-out version of an old morality tale, that's a whole KFC family feast's worth of superfluous fluff to grapple with.

Chicken Little is in fact a collection of mini-games all strung together with a Disney storyline and sprinkled with infuriating game problems like shoddy controls and an awful camera. If a camera can't rotate by a wall, it finds the nearest spot to squeeze into, even if that means you're left trying to navigate a jump off-screen or from behind a piece of scenery. But back to those mini-games eh?

Well, actually, some of them are alright. Punctuating the pedestrian-leaping/bounding/collecting rubbish are softball games to play, dodgeballs to dodge, and cars to steal. Yes, there's a touch of the GTAs in here too, albeit a cute, family-orientated Disney version. You can't rescue Chicken Little until you've delivered Mom's cookies! You can't rescue Chicken Little until you've collected the groceries! Commence trundling...

Once you do find yourself in control of Chicken, the action shifts from sports games and GTA to Prince of Persia. He swings using his yo-yo, lassos with it, climbs pipes with it, even swings it about to knock away enemies, but boy does that conked-out camera get in the way. We had to try, try again on the most rudimentary of jumps, and we're gaming experts! So the little tinkers are going to be throwing down their pads in exhaustion and reaching for something else. And don't get us started on the school corridor section. If anyone can tell us how to keep Chicken running without slowing and being caught by the bullies on his tail, please tell us.

Honestly, the kids are going to be screaming, and as colourful as it is, parents will wonder why Junior has rammed his fists through the TV and is kicking the cat. If you think GTA is responsible for disruptive behaviour, wait till enough kids play this - they'll be burning fried chicken outlets across the land.

Good Points

  1. Uses the licence well, with clips from the movie and interesting bits such as the softball game turned into actual parts of the game.
  2. It's varied, which breaks up the gem-collecting. Chicken can use a rocket, play sports and swing about like a Persian prince.

Bad Points

  1. Ye Gods, how many gem-collecting, platform-jumping games do kids have to put up with? Surely there are other routes to follow.
  2. Woooo! Waaaaah! Wheeeee! The camera is a spinning top, shifting, swirling and swapping directions like a drunk with broken knees.
  3. Chicken is a rubbish character, with a 'personality' grown from a think-tank. Less smart-ass quips and more actual gaming please.


A jaunty, fairly interesting collection of mini-games, but it's been done better a hundred times before.

Ben Lawrence

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