Games Computing


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Computer Concepts
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Games Computing #4

Chess (Computer Concepts)

Computer Concepts' latest version of their chess program would satisfy both novice and master alike.

The instruction booklet provided gives thorough but concise explanation to the superb flexibility and detail offered. Not only is it possible to select board and piece colour, level of play, and duration you can even consult the computer as to the wisest move you can make yet force it to think again over a move that it may wish to make. An action replay of the game can be summoned or you can retrogress move by move thereby enabling complete analysis of your situation; this is still furthered by the Save to tape or disc facility upon completion.

From the high resolution graphics through the total control of skill and level to the technicalities of en passant and castling this programme is complete.

It is advertised as being 'quite simply the best chess game available' - I for one wouldn't doubt it.