Personal Computer News


Published in Personal Computer News #078

Top 30 Games

1 1 Decathlon Activision C64 £9.99
2 2 Sabre Wulf Ultimate SP £9.95
3 3 Full Throttle Micromega SP £6.95
4 4 Match Point Psion SP £7.95
5 5 Beach Head US Gold C64, AC £9.95
6 9 Daley's Decathlon Ocean SP, C64 £6.90
7 12 Monty Mole Gremlin SP, C64 £5.95
8 8 Micro Olympics Database SP, C64, AC £6.95
9 6 Jet Set Willy Software Projects SP, AC £5.95
10 10 Lords of Midnight Beyond SP £9.95
11 7 TLL Vortex SP £5.95
12 11 Arabian Nights Interceptor C64 £7.00
13 13 Mugsy Melbourne SP £6.95
14 23 Trashman N Generation/QS SP, C64 £5.95
15 16 Jack & B'Stalk Thor SP £5.95
16 14 Potty Pigeon Gremlin C64 £7.95
17 19 Psytron Beyond SP £7.95
18 26 Olmpicon Hitech SP, C64 £6.95
19 15 Tank Duel Real Time SP £5.50
20 17 Loco Alligata C64 £7.95
21 18 Stop The Express Psion SP £5.90
22 - Kosmic Kanga Micromania SP £5.95
23 - Fighter Pilot Digital SP £7.95
24 29 War Of The Worlds CRL SP £5.95
25 - Blagger Alligata C64, AC £7.95
26 25 Int. Football CBM C64 £9.95
27 20 Rapscallion Bug Byte SP £6.95
28 24 Automania Microgen SP £5.90
29 21 Strip Poker US Gold C64 £9.95
30 - Son Of Blagger Alligata C64 £7.95

AC = Acorn BBC, AT = Atari, C64 = Commodore 64, DR = Dragon, OR = Oric, SP = Sinclair Spectrum, V20 = Commodore Vic 20, ZX81 = Sinclair ZX81


Top 10 Over £1,000

1 1 IBM PC £2,390 IBM
2 2 Apricot £1,760 ACT
3 5 Televideo TS1603 £2,640 TH
4 3 Compaq £1,960 Compaq
5 4 Apple III £2,755 Apple
6 7 Sirius £2,525 ACT
7 6 Wang Professional £3,076 Wang
8 - HP 85 £1,917 HP
9 10 NCR Decision Mate V £1,984 NCR
10 8 Kaypro £1,604 Kaypro

Top 10 up to £1,000

1 1 Spectrum £99 Sinclair
2 2 Commodore 64 £199 CBM
3 5 Electron £199 Acorn
4 7 Amstrad £349 Amstrad
5 3 BBC B £399 Acorn
6 4 Vic 20 £140 CBM
7 - Amstrad £229 Amstrad
8 9 Atari 800XL £199 Atari
9 6 Memotech £199 Memotech
10 8 Oric £99 Oric

AC = Acorn, ACT = ACT/Sirius, AP = Apple, AT = Atari, BW = Brainwave, CKC = CKC Computers, CBM = Commodore, DD = Dragon Data, DEC = Digital Equipment, DQL = Data General, EP = Epson, ICL = ICL, IBM = IBM, NCR = NCR, OR = Oric, SI = Sinclair, Wang = Wang, OL = Olivetti

These charts are compiled from both independent and multiple sources across the nation. They reflect what's happening in high streets during the week up to September 6 1984. The games chart is updated every week.

Neither mail order nor deposit-only orders are included in these listings. The prices quoted are for the no-frills models and include VAT.

Information for the top selling-micros is culled from retailers and dealers throughout the country and is updated every month.

PCN Charts are compiled exclusively for us by RAM/C, who can be contacted on 01-892 6596.