Personal Computer News


Categories: Charts

Published in Personal Computer News #047


Top 20 Under £1,000

TW LW Manufacturer Price Distributor
1 (1) Spectrum £99 (SI)
2 (2) CBM 64 £220 (CO)
3 (4) Sinclair ZX81 £45 (SI)
4 (3) BBC B £399 (AC)
5 (5) Vic 20 £140 (CO)
6 (8) Atari 600XL £160 (AT)
7 (6) Oric 1 £99 (OR)
8 (9) Lynx 48/96 £225 (CA)
9 (7) Dragon 32 £170 (DD)
10 (12) TI99/4A £90 (TI)
11 (10) Sharp MZ700 £240 (SH)
12 (13) Atari 800 £300 (AT)
13 (11) Apple IIe £750 (AP)
14 (15) Sharp MZ80A £349 (SH)
15 (16) Aquarius £70 (MA)
16 (14) Colour Genie £168 (LO)
17 (18) Epson HX20 £472 (EP)
18 (-) Acorn Electron £199 (AC)
19 (19) CGLM5 £150 (SO)
20 (17) Tandy Colour £180 (TA)

Top 10 Over £1,000

TW LW Manufacturer Price Distributor
1 (2) IBM PC £2,390 (IBM)
2 (1) ACT Sirius £2,525 (ACT)
3 (6) Apricot £1,719 (ACT)
4 (4) Commodore 8000 series £1,200 (CO)
5 (4) Apple III £2,780 (AP)
6 (7) Kaypro £1,949 (CKC)
7 (10) Televideo TS-800 series £1,495 (MD)
8 (5) HP86A £1,570 (HP)
9 (9) DEC Rainbow £2,714 (DEC)
10 (8) Epson QX10 £1,995 (EP)

Top 30 Games

TW LW Game Title Publisher Machine Price
1 (1) Atic Atac Ultimate SP £5.50
2 (2) Lunar Jetman Ultimate SP £5.50
3 (5) Pyramid Fantasy SP £5.50
4 (6) Ant Attack Quicksilva SP £6.95
5 (17) Snooker Visions SP, AC, C64, V20 £8.95
6 (3) Valhalla Legend SP £14.95
7 (12) Kong Ocean SP £5.90
8 (4) Chequered Flag Psion SP £6.95
9 (7) Splat! Incentive SP £5.50
10 (10) The Hobbit Melbourne House SP, AC, C64, OR £14.95
11 (21) Manic Miner Bugbyte SP £5.95
12 (30) Death Chase Micromega SP £6.96
13 (14) Mr. Wimpy Ocean SP £6.90
14 (-) The Alchemist Imagine SP £5.50
15 (-) Hunchback Ocean SP, AC, C64, OR £6.90
16 (8) Flight Simulation Psion SP £7.95
17 (-) Pool CDS SP £6.95
18 (13) Arcadia Imagine SP, AC, DR, C64, OR, V20 £5.50
19 (24) Penetrator Melbourne House SP £6.95
20 (11) Hunter Killer Protek SP £7.05
21 (-) Jet Pac Ultimate SP, AC, V20 £5.50
22 (15) Falcon Patrol Virgin C64 £7.00
23 (9) Metagalactic Llamas Llamasoft V20 £6.00
24 (-) 3D Time Trek Anirog C64, V20 £7.00
25 (18) Moonbuggy Anirog C64 £7.00
26 (-) Crazy Kong Interceptor Micros C64, V20 £7.00
27 (16) Horace And The Spiders Psion/Melbourne House SP £6.95
28 (-) International Football Commodore C64 £9.99
29 (19) Hovver Bovver Llamasoft C64 £7.50
30 (-) China Miner Interceptor Micros C64 £7.00

Small Print

These charts are compiled from both independent and multiple sources across the nation. They reflect what's happening in high streets in the two weeks up to January 14th 1984.

Neither mail order nor deposit only orders are included in these listings. The prices quoted are for the no-frills models and include VAT. Information for the top-selling micros is culled from retailers and dealers throughout the country and, like the games, is updated every alternate week.

PCN Charts are compiled exclusively for us by MRIB (Computers), London (01) 408 0250.