ST Format


Publisher: Ubi Soft
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #17


Reading the list of games on this compilation is like reading a gamester's wish-list. Three excellent games and two good ones, to be exact - a hell of a score for any pack.

First, there's Pro Tennis Tour, the only Ubisoft game in the compilation. Easier to get into than most tennis sims, it also boasts excellent graphics.

Fighter Bomber

Fighter Bomber is a rare beast - a flight sim with bullets, an aerial blast with brains. Activision cut out the usual simulator slog to produce an aircraft that anyone could get the hang of but no-one could take for granted. You get the feeling you're flying a proper aircraft without having had to spend the usual six months swearing over a keyboard before working out how to take the wheel brakes off.

Kick Off


Kick Off hardly needs explaining. This Anco masterpiece sets new standards for computer football: it's fast, frantic and just unbelievably playable. Get a few mates in for a game and you'll be shoutin' and hollerin' until the neighbours are bangin' on the door at three in the morning.

Stunt Car Racing

Stunt Car Racing is a filled-vector 3D stunt driving game that looks better and goes faster than it has any right to. There are eight different courses and a whole racing reason to get your teeth into. It takes you a while to get the hang of your car and the tracks, but once you do the stunts are spectacular.

Super Ski

Super Ski is my personal favourite. There's not much to do except ski down a snowy slope, but the action is hellishly fast and your sprite beautifully drawn and animated. Be warned, though: it's tough. You're doing well if you can stay on the downhill course, let alone get into a tuck...

Buy this compilation and you'll be getting five very good games for an average of only £6 each. Don't buy it, and you need your head examined.