Atari User

Caverns Of Eriban

Author: Stephen Foster
Publisher: Firebird
Machine: Atari 400/800/600XL/800XL/130XE

Published in Atari User #22

Caverns Of Eriban

The object of this game is to refuel a whole series of underground mining installations using supplies obtained from surface supply stations.

However, this task is not as easy as it first appears, since each mine is protected by vicious defences which include falling water droplets, kamikaze space ships and fireballs.

Further difficulties are placed in your path in that your ship has limited fuel which must be replenished on the surface.

Caverns Of Eriban

Your manoeuvring has to be very precise since being a mere one pixel out can cause the destruction of your ship.

You can carry up to five supply loads and each surface supply station holds only this number. Each mine needs a load, indicating this by a flashing beacon. To either leave or collect supplies, you must land on the yellow landing strip that forms part of every mine and supply station.

A strange sort of pseudo-gravity affects your steering, causing numerous crashes against the sides of the caverns. On later levels reverse gravity appears, making manoeuvring even more difficult.

Caverns Of Eriban

Fortunately, you are given seven ships to play with, as it is very easy to lose them.

The graphics are well drawn, but when moving at speed through the caverns the scrolling is slow and jerky.

An interesting budget game let down by overly difficult play.

Stephen Foster

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