Amiga Power

Castle Master

Author: Linda Barker
Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in Amiga Power #17

Castle Master

It's a popular conception that twins share the same experiences, so that if one is ill then the other starts to develop similar symptoms. Luckily, though, that isn't the case here. Your twin languishes in a tower in the Castle of Eternity, feeling a bit under the weather but you, fortunately, are full of beans and raring to race to the rescue. Succeed and you like happily ever after.

Castle Master's a bit like Othello, y'know - a minute to learn, a lifetime to master. (Or is that Connect Four?) Well, maybe not a lifetime, but a long while nevertheless. This medieval adventure was wonderfully received when it first appeared, mainly 'cos of the solid 3D graphics. Now, I think solid 3D graphics are too blocky to be realistic. While attempting to recreate dimensions, they only reduce reality to slabs to colour. But anyway.

There's so much to do - clues to decipher, rooms to map and explore, etc, etc that all adventures will spend hours with it. Better things may have appeared since, but it's still good old Castle Master. It's just not amazing any more.

The Bottom Line

Action adventure with solid 3D graphics that's fun to play. Castle Master obviously isn't as full of wonder or importance as perhaps it once was, but great fun can still be had.

Linda Barker

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