Games Computing

Castle Blackstar

Publisher: CDS
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Games Computing #5

Castle Blackstar (CDS)

I was very impressed by this new adventure game by SCR Adventures. As the name suggests, the adventure is set within Castle Blackstar.

You have been sent on a mission to recover the lost power orb from the labyrinth of passages and caverns beneath the castle. To do this there are a number of puzzles which must be solved, many clues are situated within and under the castle to help you solve these puzzles.

Throughout the adventure you will discover much opposition, all of which can be overcome with the right knowledge and equipment.

Castle Blackstar

Castle Blackstar possesses a wide vocabulary of words and phrases and my efforts to communicate were often rewarded with witty comments. To succeed I would say that the player requires a logical mind and much dedication to the game. Even if you are unable to find the orb, the large number of puzzles and traps that await you are sure to give much enjoyment.

A useful leaflet giving background information on the game is provided to help you start off.

I would certainly recommend this game to any would-be adventurer.