Games Computing

Burger Time

Publisher: CBS Electronics
Machine: Coleco Vision Games System

Published in Games Computing #13

Burger Time (CBS Electronics)

This game has a chef armed with pepper, fighting off Mr. Hot Dog, Mr. Egg and Mr. Pickle, so that he can prepare his gourmet burgers.

To build burgers for Chef Peter Pepper's customers, you have to make the chef climb the ladders to different levels of the kitchen with the joystick.

As the chef moves across burger parts - buns, lettuce, beefburger, etc - they drop to the next lower level. The chef has to keep moving round the Grille until all the burger parts are assembled on the plates at the bottom of the kitchen.


The three food foes are out to destroy Peter. Once they touch him, one of his five lives is lost. Peter is armed with a limited supply of pinches of pepper. He can throw a pinch at one of the foes who is too close for comfort and the enemy will be stunned for a few seconds.

From time to time while Peter is building burgers, tempting treats - ice-cream, hot coffee and french fries - appear in the Grille. If he manages to catch them before they disappear you earn bonus points and an extra pinch of pepper.

There are six scenes, each with four skill levels. Points are rewarded for dropping a burger part down a level, for flattening food foes, for sending them for a ride on a burger part and for grabbing a treat.

Graphics are quite good, although the characters in the game are too small to be seen very clearly. Also, the graphics chip can display 32 sprites at once, but is only capable of displaying four in any one horizontal line, so occasionally parts of the characters disappear. But, as usual Coleco software handles it well by flipping about which four are on at any one time.

Burger Time has a different concept to the usual ladders-and-walkways games.