Bug Bash & Nucleus

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Microtec entertainment
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in Computer & Video Games #108

Bug Bash & Nucleus

Here's a novelty: two original Amiga games sold in a double pack for thirteen quidlets! Of course, it doesn't matter how many games you bundle together if they're all a complete sack of dung, but here Microtec Entertainment have come up with a couple of corking quality numbers.

Bug Bash may sound like a game with Centipede overtones, but you actually end up with a horizontally scrolling (as smooth as a coin-op) garden-based blast 'em up. Beautiful graphics and brilliant sound tracks add loads to the trash collecting mayhem. This game could sell on its own for thirteen quid - I kid you not!

After the smashing Bug Bash, Nucleus is a tad disappointing. Best described as a game with definite R-Type overtones, it has totally groovy sonics and slightly cluttered graphics, but unfortunately the scrolling's a bit too slow as is the firing rate of your ship, and the collision detection is sometimes suspect.


Bargain of the month and no mistake! Bug Bash is the main attraction here and beats the pulp out of many full price efforts!

Nucleus is a decent "freebie" - so go for it!