Commodore Format


Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #20

Vendetta (Kixx)

Who'd have thought you could do a game about a moped, I thought as I loaded up this 'un.

But, shock of shocks, it's not about a moped at all. It's about a fat man who gets into a lot of fights. Your chubsome chap wanders from 3D screen to 3D screen, walking up to people and punching their heads and necks. Riveting? Not at all.

There are two varieties of gameplay here, though. One is the fighting, the other a driving game. Both are slow and rather boring.

The graphics look fairly pretty, but the computer takes about eight months to draw each screen. It's almost impossible to see properly what's going on, so you end up punching and kneeing thin air while your opponent machine guns you to death. It's a pile of rotting vegetables, if you ask me.

Frame Rate

Not a very good fighting or driving game. However, the cassette itself, sellotaped to your head, makes a good pair of cycling goggles (if you've got small, close-together eyes). The box can be used to hurl at crows.