Commodore Format

The Real Ghostbusters

Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #8

The Real Ghostbusters (The Hit Squad)

The game of the cartoon has finally filtered through to the budget market and is, all told, not bad. The play area is viewed from above at a sort of skewed 45 degree angle. You can either play alone or simultaneously with a friend and must guide your 'buster' around the scrolling screen, capturing ghosts. You do this by first shooting them. Then, when they turn into grey shadows of their former selves, keep the fire button pressed to pull them in on your tractor beam.

There are various hazards around to be negotiated and an extra large end-of-level spook to despatch. At the end of each level it's of to the spectre store to deposit your captives thus gaining bonus points. Other than "three quid's worth of harmless fun" there's not a lot more to say.

Frame Rate

The graphics are messy in places but work fairly well overall. Sound is good and, as for playability, there's plenty for the solo player and loads for a team of two. Worth a look.