Commodore Format

Street Fighter

Author: Roger Frames
Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #30

Street Fighter (Kixx)

While all your mates are busy shoving all their pennies in the arcade machines to play Street Fighter 2, you can boast that you were there first on your C64. Okay, so you only bought it last week on budget, but your mates needn't know that, need they?

This deception will only work, however, if you just show them the pretty box. Don't, whatever you do, load it. The showing off will stop right there. For this is a very poor version of the coin-op (which wasn't that great anyway).

In one-player mode you only get to play Ryu, in two-player mode your mate plays Ken. Why Barbie's boyfriend should be any good at bashing the brains out of an oriental warrior I couldn't say. But that's the way the cookie falls to the bottom of the coffee mug and goes all squashy.

Street Fighter

You start off fighting in Japan (Ryu might have a home advantage) and can choose whether to avoid the multiload and stay in the Orient, or go on to the USA and beyond. After completely trashing the two opponents in each country there's a bonus round. This involves doing a karate chop on a pile of concrete blocks.

The graphics are blocky, the sprites aren't particularly responsive and to tell the absolute truth, it's not much fun to play. There are far better beat-'em-ups out in budget land. Do yourself a favour and get something more interesting instead.

Frame Rate

Even more tedious than arguing world politics with a dead Siberian hamster, only to find out later that in time it was a committed Tory voter.

Roger Frames

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