Commodore Format

St. Dragon

Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #20

St. Dragon (Kixx)

It's a strange little peanut of a game, this one. Apparently you're part dragon, part machine. Part fruitcake, part tractor, if you ask me.

Anyway, it's horizontal scroller time, as you trundle along, dragging a fully-armoured tail behind you. Loads of nasties come to meet you; just blow them out of the sky. Also floating around are collectable power-ups that vastly increase the damage you can do.

Yes, there are a million games just like this (1,002,134 to be precise - TMB). You know the sort: kill baddies, get better weapons, kill more baddies, kill big end-of-level baddies, get even better weapons, etc.

But this is one of the better ones. Not stunning but quite good. Hmm. That sums it up. Can I have my money now, Trent? [No. Get on with more reviews, you spotty squirt - Ed]

Frame Rate

It's fast, furious and, er, for the C64. St. Dragon is the perfect present to buy someone who hasn't got a horizontal scrolling game, and believes them all to cost around 40.