Commodore Format

Spellbound Dizzy

Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #22

Spellbound Dizzy (Codemasters)

Boiling, poaching, scrambling, frying. Yes, there are loads of things your mum (or dad) could do with Dizzy if she got her hands on him. Anyway, if you bought the Dizzy Collection, you'll be familiar with Spellbound Dizzy. But in order to make it more appealing to those who've "shelled out" (ha ha!) for the collection, those fiendish Codies twins have added loads to it.

There are now 105 rooms (instead of about 40) and tons of extra collectables as well. Whether you think it's worth it is entirely up to you, but it's nice to see a company trying to make a re-release more attractive like this.

You'll find it's as good as any other Dizzy game around, with all the usual traps and puzzles. So, as I said before, it's totally up to you as to whether you want to buy it. You can't expect me to make all your decisions for you. Come on, how old are you?

Frame Rate

Arcade adventure? It's okay for a rainy Sunday afternoon in High Wycombe. Spellbound Dizzy is not a bad example of it, though. Rats. I can't think of any more egg jokes.