Commodore Format

Space Gun

Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #31

Space Gun (The Hit Squad)

There are aliens, there are big aliens and there are huge, uglier-even-than-Paul-Gascoigne aliens - and guess which sort you get to face in Space Gun?

Imagine, for a moment, that you are the most dim-witted person on this earth. What would be the stupidest thing you could do if you were floating around in space? Yep, what everyone in horror films always does - no matter how much you shout, "Don't go in there!", they always go in there. It's not as if 'in there' is ever very inviting; it's usually some rusting porthole of a dingy grey ship that was deserted under mysterious circumstances three months ago. But that's exactly what the hero of Space Gun has gone and done.

Cross Aliens with Predator and sprinkle a liberal helping of lots of other nasty stuff and you get Space Gun. Aliens get splatted satisfyingly all over the place (and so do humans, if your aim's a bit off) when you blast them with your massive weapon, a nasty-looking flamethrower. Inside your space suit, in the helmet, are various meters and read-outs to help you on your quest, including a gun sight that follows the joystick movements.

Space Gun

You start out with a bog-standard laser but there are plenty of more powerful weapons to pick up along the way, including a flame thrower and a freeze gun.

The gameplay isn't as taxing as it could be, it's the sort of game you'd load up when it's wet outside and you want to put off doing something more important but less interesting. It's just a case of blast everything to bits. And seeing as the baddies are so gross, you'd probably be doing the universe a favour.

Frame Rate

How many settings were there on a Star Trek officer's phaser gun? All you ever hear them talking about is the stun setting. Could they really be set to kill someone? If the settings went from stun to kill, Space Gun would rate somewhere around "knock-'em-out for a week, coming round with a serious headache and no feeling in their left leg".