Commodore Format

Rainbow Islands

Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #19

Rainbow Islands (The Hit Squad)

Urgh. The cuteness oozing from this game overwhelms me. If ever a piece of software was written for girls, this is it. You've got two sweet characters called Bub and Bob who jump on rainbows and bop the nasties in their quest for treasure and freedom. Bleeuurrgghh! I think I am going to lose my lunch.

Anyway, assuming that you're in the market for a serious cutie (perhaps you've got a little niece with a birthday coming up or something), you'll get an excellent game for four sovs. It's got ace gameplay bright, pretty, nice and is totally addictive.

Basically it's a platform game which combines luck, skill and sheer concentration to make it incredibly playable. It's massive - there are seven huge separate islands, and all the islands have different baddies and weird layouts. There are loads of things to collect, helping you with your quest, too.

Rainbow Islands

Another great thing about Rainbow Islands is that it's set at just the right difficulty level. You can launch into it, get quite far and, when you die, you aren't too miffed, but immediately dive in once again. After you've had a few goes at it, even the cuteness doesn't disturb you and you don't have to lie to your parents about which game you've been playing in your room.

Rainbow Islands is simply a brilliant game. Time to pull your birthday money out from under the bed and get the dust-balls off. At this price you can't afford to miss it.

Frame Rate

Better than seeing a Cadbury's lorry overturn outside your house - and so cute that it make you feel as if you scoffed the lot! Cracking stuff indeed and well worth the wait for it to come out at a price even I'm prepared to pay!