Commodore Format

Quattro Combat

Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #2

Quattro Combat (Codemasters)

Combat is the latest offering from CodeMasters in their "Quattro" range. Four games for a measly 2.99, you'd be a fool to to get them, right? Well, Thunderbolt, the first game is a sort of Uridium clone which puts you in the cockpit of a plane with unfeasibly high performance, the object being to avoid the scenery, shoot down the opposition and land on the runway at the end of each level. Fast sprites, smooth scrolling but repetitive gameplay makes this a good short term tension reliever but nothing more.

Those magnificent men in their flying machines, they go up tiddly up up, they go down tiddly aargh crunch! That briefly is the plot of Arcade Flight Simulator, a dogfight fought over three world wars, which is viewed from above. Incredibly difficult this one but quite good fun nevertheless.

Item three on the agenda is S.A.S. Combat Simulator, a horizontally scrolling Commando lookalike. This too offers only limited appeal as the gameplay is seriously repetitive. Oh and be warned, it looks nothing at all like the screenshot on the back of the cassette.

The best has been saved 'til last in the form of Ninja Massacre, another lookalike, this time of Gauntlet. You view various dungeons from above and travel through them fighting against incredible odds with the simple aim of surviving. The scrolling is poop but the other graphical touches are fairly adequate and the gameplay is addictive. Puzzle solving elements give this a longer life span than the other games on offer.

Frame Rate

Ed: Roger. Roger! If you don't come back right now your page is history. Oh well, it looks like this one is down to me. It would appear that young Frames has run off screaming because he couldn't cope with yet another title that's worth forking out for, so all I need say is that four games for £2.99 is a bargain in almost any language. Give it a go.